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Embedded Form

Embedded Forms Overview

Embedded Forms allow the user to create a new item in another table.

Example 1

A project manager wishes to add a Contact item. This item will contain the contact details for the project's client. Using an Embedded Form, a new Contact item can be created from within the Project item page.

Embedded Forms allow you to update fields in another table's item.

Example 2

The job of a salesperson is to call a Lead, tell them an offering, and collect their email address. Email Address is a field in the Contacts Table. Using an Embedded Form, the Email Address field can be updated from a Lead item.

In both the above cases, Embedded Form component can be used.

This is different from the Form component. A Form component helps you create and update items of the subject table; whereas an Embedded Form component enables you to create and update specific items of another table from the subject table item.

An embedded form can be perceived as a window to an item of a table other than the subject table.

Please note:

An embedded form can be only used for Tasks Table and Sub-type of Tasks Table(s).

How to set up Embedded Form component in Designer

Components list

Visibility toggle

Display toggle

Please note:
  • In Rapid Platform, you can configure the Embedded Form via a Workflow Diagram. A workflow diagram has a specific section under User Task titled - "Form Details".

Embedded form in workflow configuration

  • Embedded Form, although can be added to an Items List Level (Plural), however, it is meaningful only at the Item Details level (Singular).

  • The Embedded Form component is functional when added to a Tasks Table or a sub-type of Tasks Table, but it can create / update items on any table. This means, you can meaningfully add Embedded Form component to a Table which is Tasks / its sub-type, but you can configure it (in workflow diagram) to create / update any table item.